Indoor Track Records (Men)
Indoor Track Records (Women)
Indoor Track Records (Junior Men)
Indoor Track Records (Junior Women)
Paracycling Track Records (Men)
Paracycling Track Records (Women)
Indoor Track Records : These are completely within the remit of Cycling Ireland only. The claim on the appropriate form must be submitted to Cycling Ireland within one month of the event and must be accompanied by the timing strip signed by the timekeeper, or the official result communiqué. Records may be set at either and open track meeting or by a record attempt observed by an approved commisaire. In the latter case notification of the attempt must be lodged with Cycling Ireland at least three weeks prior to the event, including the riders name, the event, the date and the names of the commisaire and timekeeper.
<Link to New CI Record Claim Form>
<Link to CI Team Record Form>
Outdoor Records (Men)
Outdoor Records (Women)
Outdoor Records (Junior)
Stadium Records
Outdoor Track Records. Outdoor records set at either Sundrive or Orangefield are within the remit of the Track Commission. These records too must be claimed on the appropriate form and posted to Hugh Byrne,14 Kirkpatrick Drive, Clonsilla, Dublin 15. Record attempts must have three stopwatches on them if timed manually, and be observed by an approved commisaire or a member of the Track Commission. As is the case records can be set at any open track meeting or by appointment with prior notice. We will recognise all distances proper to the age category and also stadium specific records, e.g. flying & standing lap for each of he tracks. In the absence of a known and verifiable official outdoor record, we will recognise the best time from recent Nationals as being the standard until either challenged or beaten. <Download Form>
Stadium Records. Stadium records are best times set at a particular track or over distances particular to that track and are within the remit of those in charge of that local track., However to be considered as absolute or National Records all above terms relating to Indoor or Outdoor must be adhered to depending on which record is being claimed