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Track is back!


Sundrive Velodrome re-opened its’ gates for the start of a new season on Saturday, with mostly familiar faces and club kits, all eager to dust off the Winter cobwebs and re-awaken the ‘Pistard’ within.

The weather was predictable for the time of year, cold and slighlty overcast with the odd threatening dark cloud passing overhead and everyone bedecked from head to toe in their Winter attires.

The session was ably lead by, Coaches Sean and Philip with a healthy turnout of thirteen eager souls.

Straight after the Senior training session, it was the turn of the underage riders to re-ignite their inner trackies.

Well done to everyone for a great start to, what is promising to be an amazing season of training and racing.



This season, some new administrative rules and changes came into force to help improve the running of the Sundrive facility.

All Junior (16+) and Senior track riders must ensure that they have paid their yearly €10 facility fee, along with their training fees for this block of sessions. Also all accredited riders will now be given a small sticker to prove they are accredited, this sticker, along with the facility fee sticker and training fee sticker will go on the reverse side of your 2018 licence.

Example below. (Yellow for accreditation/Red for facility fee/ Green for training fees)


You must have an up to date licence to use the track. No licence, no track time.

Next week we will be having our first accreditation session of 2018, (starting at 2pm-arrive 30 minutes before the session starts) along with normal training for Senior riders and underage riders.

See you all next week.

Link to a selection of photos from Saturday’s session on the link below.