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2020 Track Masters – Monday 7th June

2020 Track Masters

As you are all well aware we were less than 24 hour away from the 2020 Masters event back in September when a national lockdown prevented it’s completion. Monday 7th of June is the first opportunity allowable to us to reschedule and we have sought and received permission from the Board of Cycling Ireland to do so. We understand that this is not a Bank Holiday in Northern Ireland, but we have no options beyond that date.

All original entries for the event stand, and we will be competing based on 2020 categories. You will however require a 2021 license for insurance purposes. There won’t be any new entries allowed, but we will refund Entry Fee to any rider for whatever reason cannot, or doesn’t want to compete on the rescheduled date.  There can be no ‘rain delay’ day for the new date. We would like to thank you all for your patience and also thank the Board for allowing this to go ahead.

Best Regards

Hugh Byrne

Help Required : As you all will be aware, that most of our coaches and nearly all of organizers come from the Masters category so we will need some of our younger riders to help us by taking on the running of this event. Many of us will be back on the other side of the divide the very next week when we are running the Duane Delaney TGP.

Contact : Enquiries, cancelations or offers of assistance to